Milky way

Milky way is the Galaxy which we lives ( the name means that the Galaxy with the appearance of Earth). The milky way galaxy is a barred spiral Galaxy with four major in it's disk and a newly discovered outer arm. super massive black hole in it's center (call's as Sagittarius A*).

Image rights: Artist's concept of milky
way galaxy. GALAST will provide detailed
information star's forming. Credits:NASA
Milky way galaxy profile:

Type                                    - barred spiral
Diameter                            - 105,700 ly
Distance to the                  - 27,000 ly
galantic center 
From Earth
Mass                                    - 800-1,500 M
Age                                      -  13.5 billion years old
Number of star's               - 400 billion star's

The milky way galaxy have been forming about 13.5 billion years ago and eating other small galaxies in it's way and the milky way has been for med in the denser area of the early universe.
The illustration shows
the predicted between
our milky way galaxy
neighbor Andromeda
galaxy,as it will unfold
over the next several
billion years, In this
image, representing Eath
night sky in 13.75 billion
years Andromeda (left)
fills the field of view and
beginns to distor the
milky way with tidal pull
and R.van der Marel,STScl;
T.Hallas;and A.Mellinger)
The milky way is a small part of the local cluster of galaxy which is the part of the virgo super cluster.
The first of the star's that forms in the milky way galaxy is still on the globular cluster.
The milky way galaxies neighboring galaxy is Andromeda galaxy and the scientist predict that the milky way galaxy will collide to the Andromeda galaxy in 4 billion years also they says when it collide and makes a big elliptical galaxy.


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