Satellite launch vehicle (SLV)

The Satellite launch vehicle (SLV) was a project started by Indian Space Research Organization or ISRO to advance the technology to launch satellite, The SLV-3 project have been started on 1970's.
Satellite Launch Vehicle source ISRO
The SLV was an 4 stage rocket with solid-propelent motors , Also the SLV-3 was India's first experimental Satellite laughing vehicle, The SLV-3 intended to reach a height of 400 kilometres (250 mi) and can carry a payload of 40 kg into the low Earth orbit (LEO), The SLV-3 weighs 17 tone's with a height of 22 m. The SLV-3 was successfully launched on July 18,1908. The first experimental flight of SLV-3 was unsuccessfull.
