Solar system

this picture shows the model of our
Solar system and the difference
between the planets and the sun.
The Solar system is a gravitationally bound planetery system of the sun and the objects like planets, asteroroids, comets, etc which orbits the sun. Our solar system consists of eight planets which are the mercury, vens, earth, mars, Jupiter, saturn, Uranus and the Neptune the other objects are natural satellites (eq: Earth's moon, mars phobos and the dimos), comets, asteroids, dwarf planets and other some other objects.

Solar system profile:
Age                        4.568 billion years
System mass       1.0014 solar mass
No. of star's         1 (sun)
Known planets   8 ( mercury, venus, earth, mars, Jupiter,                                       Saturn, uranus and Neptune
Known dwarf     several hundreds (eq: Pluto,
make make,Eris,etc
Orbital fast          220 km/s
Orbital period    225 - 250 million years
Nearest star        proxima centauri ( 4.25 light years)
                              Alpha centauri (4.37 light years)

The eight planets are classified as inter planets and the gas jaints the inter planets also known as rockey planets are the mercury,venus,earth and the mars this group is the smallest and the nearest to the sun the biggest of these are the Earth and the smallest is the mercury which is also the smallest in the solar system, the gas gaints are the jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and the Neptune the biggest of these are the jupiter also the biggest planet in our solar system.


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